Our objectives

1. To engage in various community-based age-care services, so that the older persons in Malaysia irrespective of race, creed or religion can lead an active, meaningful and more comfortable life during their remaining years.

2. To motivate, train and generally provide support facilities for improving family income of the older persons.

3. To provide public education which would lead to overall improvement in the care and conditions of older persons.

4. To establish and administer centers, homes and such other facilities throughout Malaysia as may be required.

5. To conduct studies and research in the areas of social welfare, particularly with a view to finding ways of improving the quality of life of older persons.

6. To print and publish reading materials such as periodicals, books and leaflets that may be desirable.

Yayasan Amal USIAMAS Malaysia (USIAMAS)

Mr. Abdullah Malim BagindaContact Person
+603 4219 849Phone Number
+603 4219 849Fax Number
KSD- 21, Jalan Malawali Taman Setapak 53000 Kuala LumpurAddress
Visit Us

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