About Hati
What is Hati.my?
Hati.my is a free bilingual directory listing Malaysian charities and non-profit movements supporting underprivileged communities.
- Providing listings in Malaysia
- List and update information of charities
- Publicise fundraising appeals for charities
- Promote volunteer drives
- Recommend beneficiaries for companies running CSR programmes or charity projects

Who’s behind Hati.my?
A group of volunteers manage the directory under the Touching Hearts Welfare Society, Kuala Lumpur and Selangor (Persatuan Kebajikan Menyentuh Hati, Kuala Lumpur dan Selangor) (PPM-020-14-27012012).

Why do you need Hati.my?
Hati.my hopes to address the lack of centralised information on charities and non-profit organisations in Malaysia. Hati.my allows volunteers, donors and charities to find information or update their needs readily. Hati.my’s initial focus was to support smaller charities with little time for publicity. Today we house over 1,000 entries in our directory.

How do you use Hati.my?
If you want to contact non-profit organisations of your choice, PLEASE CONTACT THEM DIRECTLY. Writing to [email protected] only reaches Hati.my’s volunteers.
If you want to donate to specific or preferred organisations, PLEASE DONATE DIRECTLY TO THEM.
Our donate button channels your contributions ONLY to Hati.my’s parent society – Touching Hearts Welfare Society, Kuala Lumpur and Selangor (Persatuan Kebajikan Menyentuh Hati, Kuala Lumpur dan Selangor) (PPM-020-14-27012012).

What are our aspirations?
Hati.my wants to inspire volunteerism and a charitable spirit within the communities we live in. We aspire for Hati.my to bridge the ‘have’ and the ‘have nots’.
How can you help Hati.my?
We rely on donations to run the directory and welcome your generous contributions to support our work. All donations are tax exempted. Bank transfers and crossed cheques can be made out to:
Touching Hearts Welfare Society Kuala Lumpur and Selangor
5142 7161 1519
801 004 8742
Please email us at [email protected] if you want a receipt. DONATIONS TO HATI.MY ARE ONLY FOR OUR OPERATIONS AND ARE NON-REFUNDABLE. Thank you.