The Indigenous Children’s Learning Centres (ICLC) was founded in 2011 as Borneo Child Aid by Rosalyn Dawila Venning, with her husband Torben Venning’s support. Rosalyn, having grown up in Tawi-Tawi, Philippines, intimately understands the culture, communities, and challenges in the area. While initially based in Sabah, Borneo, Rosalyn and Torben now oversee the project from their home in Denmark, visiting the Philippines regularly.

ICLC’s Executive Director, Michael Dawila Venning, brings a biologist’s perspective and a deep connection to Sabah. He aims to integrate ecological considerations while upholding indigenous people’s rights, supported by the Danish partner organization, PUGAD, including key team members.

The organization’s core work is carried out by dedicated teachers and staff in Tawi-Tawi, Philippines, and Sabah, Malaysia, who ensure the daily operations of the schools and care for enrolled children.

ICLC addresses the persistent issue of education and basic amenities access for indigenous communities, particularly the Sama Dilaut, also known as “Badjao” people. By providing basic education and aiding integration into government schools, ICLC equips indigenous individuals for a better future and combats the stigma stemming from poverty.

The organization is committed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and emphasizes sustainability to secure the future of these communities without harming the environment further.

Currently, ICLC operates 14 preschool learning centers in Tawi-Tawi, Philippines, and a primary school in Sabah, Malaysia, catering to over 1,000 children with the support of 20 teachers and various staff and volunteers. The preschool program in Tawi-Tawi prepares Sama Dilaut children for primary education, addressing high dropout rates caused by stigma, poverty, and cultural differences.

Looking ahead, ICLC plans to implement community-based ecology projects in collaboration with indigenous communities to protect and restore their environment. This initiative benefits both the community’s livelihood and the environment by preserving unique natural ecosystems and biodiversity hotspots.

How To Donate

ICLC is a registered non-governmental organization in the Philippines and maintains a close partnership with the Danish NGO PUGAD (People Uniting and Generating Aid for Development) For direct donations to our organization, you can transfer funds through PUGAD, as desribed below, or email us for further details. All donations made through PUGAD will go directly and in full to ICLC’s projects.

​You can sustain a Learning Centre, benefiting around 50 children, for a monthly contribution of Euro 300. The annual operational cost for an entire year of education at a Learning Centre is only Euro 3600. It is also possible to sponsor a child’s education for a whole year for the cost of Euro 72.​

Donations can be made to PUGAD’s bank account in Denmark:
Arbejdernes Landsbank

Bank Account No: 5324 0242544

Iban nr: DK 9453240000242544


Donations in Denmark can be made by Mobilepay to Box no:  0295SE

When you donate to our project please note "ICLC" and send us an email to [email protected]

We will make sure to keep you updated on the progress of our work and of the use of your donations

Pusat Pendidikan Kanak-Kanak Orang Asli (ICLC) telah ditubuhkan pada tahun 2011 dengan nama Borneo Child Aid oleh Rosalyn Dawila Venning, dengan sokongan suaminya, Torben Venning. Rosalyn, yang membesar di Tawi-Tawi, Filipina, memahami budaya, komuniti, dan cabaran dengan mendalam di kawasan tersebut. Walaupun bermula di Sabah, Borneo, Rosalyn dan Torben kini menguruskan projek dari Denmark, dengan lawatan berkala ke Filipina.

Pengarah Eksekutif ICLC, Michael Dawila Venning, membawa perspektif seorang ahli biologi dan hubungan mendalam dengan Sabah. Beliau berusaha untuk menggabungkan pertimbangan ekologi sambil mengekalkan hak orang asli, dengan sokongan organisasi rakan Denmark, PUGAD, termasuk ahli pasukan utama.

Kerja utama organisasi ini dilaksanakan oleh guru dan kakitangan yang berdedikasi di Tawi-Tawi, Filipina, dan Sabah, Malaysia, yang memastikan operasi harian sekolah dan menjaga kanak-kanak yang telah mendaftar.

ICLC menangani isu berterusan mengenai pendidikan dan akses kepada kemudahan asas dalam komuniti orang asli, terutamanya Sama Dilaut, yang juga dikenali sebagai “Badjao.” Dengan menyediakan pendidikan asas dan membantu integrasi ke dalam sekolah kerajaan, ICLC bertujuan untuk mempersiapkan individu orang asli untuk masa depan yang lebih baik dan mengurangkan stigma yang timbul daripada kemiskinan.

Organisasi ini komited untuk mencapai Matlamat Pembangunan Lestari PBB dan menekankan kelestarian untuk menjamin masa depan komuniti ini tanpa merosakkan alam sekitar.

Pada masa ini, ICLC mengendalikan 14 pusat pembelajaran pra-sekolah di Tawi-Tawi, Filipina, dan sebuah sekolah rendah di Sabah, Malaysia, yang memberi perkhidmatan kepada lebih daripada 1,000 kanak-kanak dengan sokongan 20 guru dan kakitangan serta sukarelawan. Program pra-sekolah di Tawi-Tawi mempersiapkan kanak-kanak Sama Dilaut untuk pendidikan rendah, mengatasi kadar dropout yang tinggi disebabkan stigma, kemiskinan, dan perbezaan budaya.

Melangkah ke hadapan, ICLC merancang untuk melaksanakan projek ekologi berasaskan komuniti dalam kerjasama dengan komuniti orang asli untuk melindungi dan mengembalikan alam sekitar mereka. Inisiatif ini memberi manfaat kepada mata pencarian dan alam sekitar komuniti serta menjaga ekosistem semula jadi unik dan hotspot biodiversiti.

Learn More

Indigenous Children’s Learning Centres (ICLC)

[email protected]Email
Established since 2011Year of Establishment
123/96Registration Number

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