Aliran Kesedaran Negara (Aliran)

in Advocacy, Support Groups

Malaysia is at a cross-roads today. Something is stirring in the psyche of the people. They are starting to come out and reclaim the basic rights that they have lost over the years. They are now waking up and demanding meaningful change: more democratic space, greater accountability, respect for human rights. Who are we Aliran identifies with this natural quest for justice in all aspects of public life. Indeed, that has been the core of our struggle since 1977, making us Malaysia’s oldest human rights group. Aliran has had Roster (A1) Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council...

Malaysian Centre for Constitutionalism and Human Rights

in Advocacy, Education, Social Enterprise

The Malaysian Centre for Constitutionalism and Human Rights (aka Pusat Rakyat LoyarBurok) was established on 19 March 2011 to promote and protect human rights in Malaysia through education, training, capacity building, media advocacy and strategic litigation. Currently, MCCHR runs four programmes: i. UndiMsia! Citizen Education Programme ( ii. Strategic Litigation and Media Advocacy iii. Resource Centre iv. Runcit

Malaysian Care

in Advocacy, Education, Orang Asli, Other Communities, Sponsors, Support Groups, Youth

Malaysian CARE, officially known as the Malaysian Christian Association of Relief, is a non-profit Christian NGO established in 1979 in Malaysia. Its primary mission is to serve the poor and needy, regardless of their religion or ethnicity. The organization is headquartered in Malaysia and operates mainly in the states of Selangor and Perak. History Malaysian CARE was founded by a group of young Christians, with its first Board elected on November 24, 1978. The founding members included Wong Kim Kong, Lim Heng Seng, and others. Rev. Peter Young became the first Executive Director on...

LEAP Spiral

in Advocacy, Environment, Social Enterprise

ABOUT LEAP facilitates partnerships & conversations between communities, NGO’s, government & industry aiming to unravel a history of hierarchical, colonial patterns, and to create new authentic and equitable relationships. PRINCIPLES Listen to the need Provide space for collaboration Engage relevant partners Guide solutions Follow through initiatives Persevere  for the results VISION To engage all communities and empower each other to move from reactive conservation towards proactive stewardship. To collaboratively transform a failing system to one that is healthy,...

Green Ribbon Association Kuching

in Advocacy, Children, Support Groups

ABOUT The Green Ribbon Association Kuching is a non-profit voluntary welfare organization established on 26th September 2008 by a group  of volunteers from all walks of life . The Social Welfare Council Of Sarawak accepted the Association as the 36th affiliated member on 23rd march 2009. The Association is set up for the relief and care of Malaysian citizens suffering from multiple illness and their families irrespective of race, religion and creed. The Objectives of the Association 1. To support the establishment of a nursing home, care centre and global positioning system (GPS) help...


in Advocacy, Environment, Orang Asli, Women, Youth

ABOUT PACOS Trust is a community-based organisation (CBO) dedicated towards supporting indigenous communities in Sabah. Although registered under the Trustees Ordinance (Sabah) only in 1997, it has been actively involved with communities since 1987 as a different legal entity. PACOS Trust sees itself as on organisation that strives to empower indigenous communities through systematic building and strengthening of community organisations, which can act collectively on its own. AIMS PACOS Trust has three main goals: 1. Ensure that indigenous communities have their customary land (NCR) and the...

CHILD Information, Learning and Development Centre

in Advocacy, Children

Who are we For the last 24 years, since 1984, CHILD has lent itself to the cause of Tamil schools to help them regain their rightful place, identity and self-respect in the National education system. CHILD’s engagement has helped to transform the study culture of Tamil school children and forge an amiable working partnership between parents, teachers and the community in many Tamil Schools. Meanwhile, the long-term association of 25 years with Tamil Schools has afforded CHILD the opportunity to study the Tamil school problems comprehensively and test several different remedial modalities...

Secretariat For Migrants

in Advocacy

ABOUT Vision      The church as a visible witness in the world of Christ’s love for Migrants and Itinerant Persons manifested through a structured pastoral care response. Mission To attend to the spiritual, physical, intellectual, emotional/psychological and social needs of Migrants and Itinerant Persons. To serve as the official arm of the Bishop in matters pertaining to the pastoral care of Migrants and Itinerant Persons. To initiate, develop and sustain Parish Migrant Ministries (PMM) To initiate and encourage the annual Migrant Sunday celebration at Diocese/Parish...

Ministry With Indigenous Peoples

in Advocacy, Orang Asli

We are part of the  AOHD (Archdiocesan Office for Human Development) is the official arm of the Catholic Church, in the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, entrusted with overseeing matters pertaining to the promotion of charity, integral human development, justice and peace. it is managed by the AOHD Secretariat and Board of Management with Rev Mitchel Anthony as the Priest Delegate.   NEEDS Please contact Rev. Joseph for more information.    

Amitabha Malaysia

in Support Groups, Advocacy, Children, Other Communities

Amitabha Malaysia, established in 1998 with a commitment to aiding the less fortunate, initially created a haven for homeless elderly individuals with no shelter or income. Their unwavering dedication drew support from a diverse range of people who shared the same goal of helping those in need. Over time, Amitabha Malaysia has evolved into one of Malaysia’s prominent charitable organizations, continuously expanding its charitable facilities and services. Amitabha Malaysia’s mission is to improve society as a whole, regardless of religious beliefs, ethnicity, or background. They...

The Kalsom Movement

in Youth, Advocacy

Formerly known as Projek Kalsom, The Kalsom Movement is an independent and voluntary student-led charity movement registered in Malaysia as Kelab Belia Kalsom under Registrar of Youths (PPBM 8086/12) which specialises in tackling education inequality in Malaysia. The movement has been fully endorsed by Malaysia’s Ministry of Education, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Rakan Muda, Education Malaysia in the United Kingdom and Ireland as well as the Malaysia Book of Records for the longest running-student-led motivational camp. Since it was established in 1994, the movement has benefited more...

Service Civil International (SCI) Malaysia

in Support Groups, Advocacy, Culture, Youth

About SCI SCI – Service Civil International, Malaysia  (Pertubohan Perkhidmatan Awam Antarabangsa) is a registered NGOs with two active groups – one in Penang (1972), and the other in KL, Selangor(1984). Their aim is to promote a Culture of Peace through Voluntary and Community services. It was first established in 1920 in France, Europe and has 43 branches worldwide. Our key activities here are: > International Volunteers Exchanges / Placements, Workcamps and weekend camps > Penang Peace Run for the able and disabled > Jointly commemorating with others the International Day...

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