Kompleks Penyayang Bakti Sungai Buloh

in Advocacy, Children, Single parents, Youth

Kompleks Penyayang BAKTI lahir atas dasar kesedaran terhadap perlunya sebuah institusi yang memberikan khidmat kebajikan berbentuk integrasi kepada mereka yang kurang bernasib baik seperti kanak-kanak, warga tua dan ibu-ibu tunggal. Penwujudan kompleks ini adalah hasil gabungan tenaga Badan Amal Kebajikan Tenaga Isteri (BAKTI) sebagai badan NGO, Tetuan Yarisan Holdings Sdn. Bhd. (Swasta) dan Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat Malaysia (Kerajaan). “Pakatan Tiga Pihak” ini melambangkan keperihatinan setiap sektor masyarakat Malaysia terhadap mereka yang kurang bernasib baik serta menjadi contoh...

Pertubuhan Al-Khadeem

in Children

Founded in 1984, Pertubuhan Al-Khaadem is an international Islamic NGO based in Malaysia that works to disseminate Islam and champion the disadvantaged. We are dedicated to reflecting Islam’s compassion in all our work, guided by the Qur’an and Sunnah. Backed by a quarter century of aid and charity work in all corners of the globe, Al-Khaadem is an emerging brand synonymous with the provision of aid to all in need. Worldwide, Al-Khaadem has worked with children, families and communities affected by poverty, earthquakes, floods, tsunamis and other disasters. Wherever the need is greatest,...

Pertubuhan Kebajikan Amal Rukaiyah

in Children

Pusat Jagaan Kanak-Kanak Yatim/Miskin Rukaiyah merupakan sebuah tempat penjagaan anak-anak yatim/miskin. Mula beroperasi pada Januari 2007. Tujuan dibuka rumah kebajikan ini adalah untuk membantu dan memberi sumbangan kebajikan kepada anak yatim/miskin yang memerlukan bimbingan supaya tidak tersisih. The Pusat Jagaan Kanak-Kanak Yatim/Miskin Rukaiyah, also known as the Pertubuhan Kebajikan Amal Rukaiyah, is a care center for orphaned and impoverished children located in Kajang, Malaysia. The center began operations in January 2007 with the aim of providing welfare contributions to...

Rita Home (Persatuan Rumah Kebajikan Rita)

in Children, Differently Abled, Senior Citizens

Rita Home (Persatuan Rumah Kebajikan Rita) is a residential institution devoted to the care of orphans and individuals who are unable to care for themselves. Established in 1997, it provides an alternative to foster care or adoption by giving orphans a community-based setting in which they live and learn. The home rescues children or unattended old folks via public calls. If they are unable to find the original parents or caretakers, they handle other processes such as registering children in schools or bringing unhealthy individuals to the hospital for health check-ups. They also solve...

Pertubuhan Pendidikan Anak-Anak Yatim Selangor

in Children

Pertubuhan Pendidikan Anak-Anak Yatim Selangor (PPAYS) is a non-governmental organization that provides education and care for orphans and underprivileged children in Selangor, Malaysia. It was established in 1966 by a group of social activists and senior government officials of Selangor1. PPAYS operates a home called Rumah Bakti Dato’ Harun, which houses about 100 children aged between 7 and 17 years old1. PPAYS also runs various programs and activities to enhance the children’s academic, moral, and social development1. If you are interested in learning more about PPAYS or supporting...

Persatuan Rumah Kanak-Kanak Ini Disayangi (KIDS)

in Children

Persatuan Rumah Kanak-Kanak Ini Disayangi (Rumah KIDS) is a registered non-profit charitable home for orphans and abandoned children1. It was established in 19911 and is recognized by the Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat Malaysia and other government agencies1. Rumah KIDS provides comprehensive support to orphans and abandoned children by offering them food, shelter, clothing, education, tender care, and a structured environment1. This safe haven allows them to experience peace and security during their formative years, countering the harsh realities they once faced1. Under the guidance of...

Persatuan Kanak-Kanak Istimewa Hulu Langat

in Differently Abled, Children, Tax Exemption

PERSATUAN KANAK-KANAK ISTIMEWA HULU LANGAT (PKKI) is a non-profit organization dedicated to operating a Day Training Centre for children facing mental and physical challenges resulting from hereditary, prenatal, or post-natal complications. Their objectives include providing therapy, training, self-help skills, and community exposure for disabled children. PKKI also focuses on supporting parents in effective parenting for children with special needs and increasing awareness and acceptance of disabilities within society. They aim to integrate disabled individuals better into the...

Persatuan Autisme Kuching/Kuching Autistic Association

in Advocacy, Children, Support Groups

Who are we Kuching Autistic Association (KAA) Resource and Education Centre (formerly known as Sarawak Autistic Association Resource and Education Centre) was formed by a group of parents of autistic children and professionals on 18 January 1998. How can you help Government agencies, corporate bodies and the general public can extend their help through financial assistance to enable KAA to build a better future for the autistic children and individuals in Sarawak. Better educational and vocational training for them will enable them to lead more independent lives so that they will be less of...

Persatuan Bagi Kebajikan Kanak-kanak Terencat Akal Sarawak (PERKATA)

in Children, Differently Abled

PERKATA Sarawak is a non-profit charitable organisation tasked with providing education and training for children with learning disabilities. The include children with Down Syndrome, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Global Development Delay and various type of brain damage, speech impairment and behavioral problems age between 4-17 years old. Was registered under ROS on 30 June 1987. It comprises of 9 classrooms, a multipurpose hall, a kitchen for cookery class, sensory room, a book library, toy library and office. The aims of our PERKATA Special school are to create an environment where child can...

Darul Bakti (Asrama Anak Yatim & Anak Berkeperluan)

in Children

DARUL BAKTI ialah sebuah badan amanah dan sukarela yg didaftar atas nama “The Registered Trustee of DARUL BAKTI” pada 20 Febuari 1995 dibawah “The Trustees (Incorporation) Ordinance 1951 Cap. 148(Sabah), Negeri Sabah/Pendaftar Negara Sabah, Amanah Raya Berhad, Kota Kinabalu. (No. Pendaftaran : PN(SB)(TI)108/94) DARUL BAKTI mempunyai dua Asrama berasingan untuk kanak-kanak lelaki dan perempuan, Surau, Dewan Makan, Dewan Ilmu (dewan serbaguna), Gelanggang Futsal, Perpustakaan Kecil dengan beberapa komputer dan Sekolah Islamiyah khas untuk anak-anak yatim, susah, mualaf (miskin) dan...

Pertubuhan Kebajikan Anak Yatim Perlis

in Children

Pertubuhan Kebajikan Anak Yatim Perlis adalah sebuah badan NGO bertanggungjawab untuk menerima infaq (derma) yang diberikan oleh insan yang terpilih oleh Allah S.W.T. untuk dikongsi oleh mereka yang amat memerlukan. Sumbangan / derma ikhlas dari Tuan/Puan boleh disalurkan melalui akaun: PERTUBUHAN KEBAJIKAN ANAK YATIM PERLIS CIMB BANK : 8006328278 AM BANK : 8881002832006 The Perlis Orphan Welfare Organization is an NGO responsible for receiving alms (donations) given by individuals chosen by Allah SWT to be shared with those in great...

Pertubuhan Kebajikan Dan Amal Rumah Teduh Perlis

in Children

Pertubuhan Kebajikan dan Amal Rumah Teduh Perlis ditubuhkan untuk sama-sama turut serta menunaikan tanggungjawab bersama demi membantu kepada yang memerlukan, malahan menunaikan tuntutan masyarakat untuk mencari jalan demi menyelesaikan gejala yang membimbangkan ini. Pihak pengurusan juga sedang dalam rangka untuk membuka satu lagi cawangan seumpamanya di Sg.Petani, ini kerana permintaan dan kemasukan yang kian bertambah dan rumah kebajikan yang sedia ada tidak dapat menampung kemasukan yang berterusan dari masa ke semasa.Tambahan pula adalah wajar untuk diwujudkan Rumah Teduh ini diseluruh...

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