Central Welfare Council, Peninsular Malaysia (CWC)

in Children, Differently Abled, Education, Women, Youth

Objectives: 1. To advise and to deal with social problems in Malaysia. 2. To initiate or execute any social services not operated by any other authority or organization. 3. To secure the help and support of the public and government in order to achieve the objectives of the Council. 4. To promote the welfare of the people with mental and physical disabilities, the underprivileged, distressed and destitute and to undertake or assist in the promotion of any scheme conducive to such welfare. 5. To undertake any social service either directly or through the State and District Branches in...

Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA)

in Education, Health, Women

Objectives 1. To maintain a balance in the allocation of resources which allows for the continued viability of both relief and development activities at all level. 2. To maintain full commitment to long term sustainable development initiatives which are appropriate to local needs. 3. To respond promptly, effectively and appropriately to human and natural disasters. 4. To undertake humanitarian and developmental assistance, avoiding discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, political or religious affiliations. 5. To ensure an efficient channel between identified needs and donor and...

Universiti Bangsar Utama (UBU)

in Education, Refugees, Youth

Who are we UBU comprises of youth and universities students from various areas in Kuala Lumpur. As a progressive, democratic and concerned youth and students group, we are very much involved in providing our energy, creativity, ideas and ideals in community based activities and programmes with underprivileged and marginalised communities. We feel that a bridge between student sector and other oppressed sectors from society should be built to link and strengthen the various pro-democracy forces in our country. For a long time a vacuum has existed between the student sector and other sectors in...

Kelab Rakan Siswa Islah Malaysia (KARISMA)

in Education, Youth

Kelab Rakan Siswa Islah Malaysia (KARISMA) adalah sebuah sayap mahasiswa di bawah Pertubuhan Jamaah Islah Malaysia (JIM) Mission 1. “Beriltizam untuk melahirkan mahasiswa du’at soleh wa musleh yang cemerlang dari aspek sakhsiah, kepimpinan dan akademik melalui program pembangunan insan yang komprehensif” 2. “Menggembleng tenaga mahasiswa ke arah merealisasikan Fikrah Islam Di Alam Kampus (FIDAK) menjelang 2015” Description KARISMA adalah akronim bagi Kelab Rakan Siswa Islah Malaysia, sebuah institusi mahasiswa yang ditubuhkan di atas inisiatif Pertubuhan Jamaah Islah Malaysia (JIM)...

Malaysia Youth And Students Democratic Movement (DEMA)

in Education, Support Groups, Youth

Our aims To promote and facilitate unity, solidarity and co-operation among youth and student of Malaysia in the struggle against imperialism, neocolonialism, abuse of human right and other forms of reputation towards the people of Malaysia in their struggle for a liberation, democratic progressive, peaceful and sustainable society. To encourage direct involvement of youth and students in social realities. To promote the acceptance and practice of human right in its broad context. Our objectives To provide workshops, platforms and venues for education and to bring about unity in...

Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar Islam Malaysia (PKPIM)

in Education, Other Communities

Siapa kami Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar Islam Malaysia (PKPIM) adalah badan induk pelajar-pelajar Islam Malaysia di peringkat kebangsaan yang berdaftar secara rasmi dengan Pendaftaran Pertubuhan (Pendaftaran 1569 Selangor) pada 27 Jun 1961, dikenali sebagai Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar Islam Persekutuan Tanah Melayu dan pada tahun 1963 namanya ditukar seperti yang ada sekarang. Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar-Pelajar Islam Malaysia ditubuhkan pada 31 Mac 1961 bertempat di Asrama Kedua, Universiti Malaya. Penubuhan PKPIM telah diusahakan oleh sekumpulan 10 orang pelajar dari 5 buah institusi...

Gabungan Mahasiswa Islam Se-Malaysia (GAMIS)

in Education, Other Communities, Women

VISI Menerajui gerakan mahasiswa dalam memimpin kebangkitan dengan kesedaran Islam MISI 1) Memasyarakatkan GAMIS melalui pendekatan penerapan dakwah secara holistik 2) Memperkasakan gerakan mahasiswa sebagai penggerak pendidikan politik berteraskan prinsip Islam 3) SIGMA memimpin wanita muda sebagai agen reformasi masyarakat

Persatuan Sains Sosial Malaysia (PSSM)

in Education

The Malaysian Social Science Association, officially known by its Malay name Persatuan Sains Sosial Malaysia (PSSM) was founded on September 14, 1978 after four years of gestation and hard work by the pro-tem committee. Since its formation, PSSM has been under six presidents. PSSM is recognized and respected nationally and internationally as a body representing the Malaysian social science community and a vehicle to advance Malaysian social science and public advocacy in Malaysia. Guided by the aspiration to nurture and develop critical, committed and independent...

World Assembly of Youth (WAY)

in Education, Sponsors, Youth

The World Assembly of Youth (WAY) is an international organization established in 1949 to coordinate national youth councils and organizations globally. It aims to promote cooperation and understanding among youth from different nations, addressing various issues that affect young people. History WAY was founded during a conference held in London, where youth leaders from national youth councils of UN member countries convened to discuss the need for a universal youth organization. The draft charter was prepared in early 1949 and ratified at WAY’s first official meeting in...

Society of the Disabled Persons Penang (SDPP)

in Differently Abled, Education, Support Groups

Who are we Society of the Disabled Persons, Penang (SDPP ) was established in 1988 by a group of disabled people in Penang, Malaysia. This organisation is self-motivated and manage by the members itself. Over the years, SDPP has been striving hard to fight for the rights of disabled people as well as guiding and encouraging many disabled people, particularly those staying in Penang, Malaysia to live up to their life as to enjoy the rights and the freedom that they should gain in all aspects of life. We are also committed to make Penang accessible to the elderly and the disabled. Until today,...

Petaling Jaya Community Centre (PJCC)

in Education, Environment, Health, Senior Citizens, Youth

Petaling Jaya Community Centre (PJCC) has been set up since September 1996 with the aim of promoting a self-sustaining and on-going programme at community level that utilises the resources of older persons, with participation from the young, for the benefit of all residents. The emphasis is on action-oriented programmes such as economic, educational, health, social, environment, cultural, sporting and recreational activities and services. The Community Centre is jointly organised by the research team headed by Prof. Dr. Tan Poo Chang, University of Malaya,...

Institute of Strategic & International Studies

in Education

The Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS), Malaysia’s premier think-tank was established on April 8, 1983. As an autonomous and non-profit organisation, ISIS is engaged in objective and independent policy research. It also fosters dialogue and debate among the public sector, the private sector and academia. ISIS has been at the forefront of some of the most significant nation-building initiatives in Malaysia’s history, such as contributing to the Vision 2020 concept and as the consultant to the Knowledge-Based Economy Master Plan initiative. The Institute has also played...

Centre for Education, Training and Research in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (CETREE)

in Education

This organisation was established on the government’s awareness of its role in increasing knowledge and awareness of the role of renewable energy and energy efficiency for professionals, schools, tertiary institutions, schools and also to the public in Malaysia. CETREE establishment agreement is the result of the Malaysian government through the Ministry of Energy, Water and Communications, now known as the Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water (KeTTHA) and the Economic Planning Unit, Prime Minister together with the Government of Dato Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak. The Ministry was...

CADS Enhancement Centre

in Children, Differently Abled, Education

CADS Enhancement Centre is a non-profit organization that provides counseling and support for the family and caregivers of children with special needs, especially those with Cerebral Palsy, Autism-ADHD, Down Syndrome-Dyslexia, and Slow Learners (CADS). The main goal of the center is to help these children develop and maximize their potential, and to become independent and productive members of society. The center also offers academic programs, therapeutic interventions, and recreational activities for the children. The center is located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and you can contact them at...

Asian Strategy & Leadership Institute (ASLI)

in Education, Support Groups, Youth

Asian Strategy and Leadership Incorporated or in short “ASLI” is Malaysia’s leading independent, non-partisan and not-for-profit think-tank. Founded in 1993, ASLI is the definitive voice of strategy and leadership in the country, having through the years, provided strategic and trusted insights to governments, businesses and diplomatic communities. ASLI is owned and governed by the not-for-profit Jeffrey Cheah Foundation, which is Malaysia’s largest education-focused social enterprise. This underscores the Foundation’s remit in providing “thought leadership” as a key...

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