Reef Check
History Founded in 1996, Reef Check is the world’s largest international coral reef monitoring programme involving volunteer recreational divers and marine scientists. First carried out on a large scale in 1997, it provided the first solid evidence that coral reefs have been damaged on a global scale. The survey raised the awareness of scientists, governments, politicians and the general public about the value of coral reefs, threats to their health and solutions to coral reef problems. In August 2002, Reef Check released its five-year report, The Global Coral Reef Crisis – Trends...

Kuala Gandah National Elephant Conservation Centre
This truly unique Elephant Orphanage of Kuala Gandah will give you a very rare opportunity to learn about these displaced gentle giants, and also the chance to ride them through the jungle, with the help of an elephant guide, or mahout. For the brave and adventurous, there are opportunities to take the elephants down to the river and help give them a bath! There really is no better opportunity than this to get in touch with these grey giants. It is estimated that there are only 1,200 wild Asian Elephants, also known as Elephus Maximus, left in Malaysia and this is the only conservation centre...

Who we are EcoKnights was formed in 2006 as part of a collective effort to provide environmental outreach programmes for communities and industry players. It is a 501 (c) non-profit environmental organisation registered with the Malaysian Registrar of Societies (WKL 433/09). EcoKnights is governed by a President and Vice President along with seven other committee members. EcoKnights’ members and volunteers are made up of professional individuals with a great passion for the environment. We are biologists, creative designers, engineers, business man and women, professional tennis...

Persatuan Pemilik Rumah Bukit Damansara
Who are we Persatuan Pemilik Rumah Bukit Damansara (Bukit Damansara Home Owners’ Association) was approved under the Akta Pertubuhan 1966 Registration No: 836 on 7 June 2000. As of to-date, we have over 400 members. Our objectives: To protect the rights and interest of members and their properties. To preserve the “green lung” character and environment of Bukit Damansara in its original low density residential area for family living. To promote goodwill and understanding among the residents. To improve the amenities and security of Bukit Damansara for the well-being and safety of the...

The ReefBase Pacific project is Component 2D of the Coral Reef InitiativeS for the Pacific (CRISP), executed by The WorldFish Center and funded by the Agence Française de Développement and the United Nations Foundation. ReefBase Pacific is the first regional focus of the global ReefBase project and provides a unique collection of information for the Pacific region. The ReefBase Pacific project aims to improve quality and accessibility of data and information on reef-associated livelihoods, fisheries and biodiversity. The project has generated internet, DVD and printed formats of the...

Marine Research Foundation
The Marine Research Foundation is a non-profit research foundation based in Sabah, Malaysia and incorporated under the Trustees (Incorporation) Act 1951 Cap. 148. MRF was set up to further the understanding of marine ecosystems and functions, and conserve the abundance and diversity of marine flora and fauna through research, conservation and education activities. The Marine Research Foundation carries out a number of projects related to biodiversity assessment and conservation, providing management-oriented solutions to Government administrations and conservationists. Some examples of...

Asia Pacific Association of Forestry Research Institutions (APAFRI)
The Asia Pacific Association of Forestry Research Institutions (APAFRI) is an independent non-profit body, which aims to enhance research and technology development capabilities in support of conservation and management of forest resources in the Asia-Pacific region. The establishment of APAFRI was prompted by the need to provide a viable institutional framework for research collaboration in the region. Since 1991, the Forestry Research Support Programme for Asia and the Pacific (FORSPA) has been fulfilling the networking function. APAFRI , a follow-up of FORSPA, is an outcome of the desire...

Global Environment Centre (GEC)
Who are we The Global Environment Centre was established in 1998 to work on environmental issues of global importance. The Centre is registered in Malaysia as a non-profit organization (Reg. no. 473058-T) but works regionally and internationally both directly and through many partners. It supports information exchange and capacity building as well as undertakes strategic projects particularly in developing countries. It works in partnership with other like-minded agencies worldwide. Our mission To support the protection of the environment and sustainable use of the natural resources to meet...

Trade Records Analysis of Flora and Fauna in Commerce, South East Asia (TRAFFIC)
Who are we TRAFFIC has an enviable reputation as a reliable and impartial organisation, a leader in the field of conservation as it relates to wildlife trade. TRAFFIC was established in 1976 and has developed into a global network, research-driven and action-oriented, committed to delivering innovative and practical conservation solutions based on the latest information. TRAFFIC is governed by the TRAFFIC Committee, a steering group composed of members of TRAFFIC’s partner organizations, WWF and IUCN. A central aim of TRAFFIC’s activities is to contribute to the wildlife...
The Malaysian Forum of Environmental Journalists (MFEJ)
Objectives: 1. To promote greater awareness of environmental issues. 2. To organize a dialogue between decisions-makers, planners and development agencies with a view to enhancing the flow of information on environmental issues. 3. To organize national seminars, workshops and study tours for journalists on environmental issues. 4. To participate in the activities of the Asian Forum of Environmental Journalists (AFEJ).
National Union of Plantation Workers (NUPW)
Objectives: 1. To improve the quality of life of plantation workers through collective action. 2. To secure the complete organization of all workers and to promote the industrial, social and intellectual interest of its members. 3. To obtain and maintain for its members just and proper rates of remuneration, security of employment, reasonable hours and conditions of work and to provide advice and assistance accordingly. 4. To regulate relations between employers and employees and endeavour to adjust any difference that may arise between them. 5. To promote the interest of workers subject to...
Malaysian Plant Protection Society (MAPPS)
Our current activities were initially hosted by the Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia. The Malaysian Plant Protection Society (MAPPS) is a non-government organization body that focuses on all issues relating to plant protection and their allied field. Persatuan Perlindungan Tumbuh-tumbuhan Malaysia or wholly know as Malaysian Plant Protection Society was established in 1976 by Dr. George Varghese, the founder and the first President of MAPPS. The Malaysian Plant Protection Society (MAPPS) was officially inaugurated in 8 March 1977 by the Register of Society. The...

Malaysian CropLife and Public Health Association (MCPA)
Who we are The Malaysian CropLife and Public Health Association (MCPA) represents the plant science and public health industries in Malaysia. Since its inception in 1971, the MCPA has been responsible for improving the quality of agriculture and promoting the public health sector in order to create a harmonious balance between the chemicals industry and the betterment of the general public. MCPA is also an affiliated member of CropLife Asia, the umbrella organisation for the industry in Asia.

Treat Every Environment Special Sdn Bhd (TrEES)
Treat Every Environment Special (TrEES) was established in 1995 to educate and empower Malaysians to conserve and protect Malaysia’s natural resources. Established in 1995, TrEES engages and collaborates with other civil society organisations, businesses, governments and communities to take positive environmental action. We: * provide advice and services to communities that face environmental issues and need support. * run environmental education progammes for schools to empower our youth * partner with marginalised and vulnerable communities to develop collaborative income-generating...

Institute of Foresters, Malaysia (IRIM)
Who are we The Institute of Foresters, Malaysia (IRIM) was inaugurated on 3 February 1979 and subsequently approved by the Registrar of Societies Malaysia on 2 August 1980. Members of the institute consist of professional foresters, both in public and private sectors, who practice forestry as their career and contribute towards improving the management and development of the forestry sector in Malaysia. Our objectives Promote and advance the science and practice of forestry. Continually review the status of the forestry profession and the professional conduct of members by maintaining a...