Asrama Darul Falah PERKIM (ASDAF)
Asrama Darul Falah PERKIM (ASDAF) diasaskan oleh Tuan Haji Yaakob bin Lazim yang ditubuhkan pada 19 Ogos 1995, adalah sebuah asrama yang menempatkan anak-anak Orang Asli peringkat sekolah menengah sahaja. Mereka terdiri daripada anak-anak fakir miskin, saudara baru (muallaf) dan anak-anak yatim. Mereka diambil dari kampung-kampung di kawasan pendalaman semenanjung untuk diberi pendidikan akademik dan agama di Kuala Lumpur. Pada masa ini, jumlah anak-anak adalah seramai 41 orang dimana majoritinya adalah berasal dari Pahang, Perak dan Selangor. Sumber kewangan asrama ini adalah bergantung...
Integrated Development for Eco-friendly and Appropriate Lifestyle (IDEAL)
Our objectives 1. To provide training and non-formal education and workshops in order to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge, tools and skills, and the development of strong leadership within indigenous communities. 2. To explore alternative models of development which combine progress and economic advancement with social and environmental justice and the traditional rights of indigenous communities. 3. To campaign for and promote the rights of indigenous people and their cultural traditions. 4. To co-operate with others to achieve these objectives, including working to strengthen other...

Borneo Resouces Institute Malaysia Sarawak (BRIMAS)
About BRIMAS is a foremost Indigenous non-profit organisation working at the grass root level in Sarawak and formally establish in July 1993. Mission To educate indigenous communities about their rights, to promote community-based sustainable resource management and conservation, to empower their initiatives toward self-reliant and resilient communities, to assist in their pursuit of self-sufficiency and to ensure the survival of their traditional knowledge, arts and...

Who are we PACOS TRUST is a community-based organisation (CBO) dedicated towards supporting indigenous communities in Sabah. Although registered under the Trustees Ordinance (Sabah) only in 1997, it has been actively involved with communities since 1987 as a different legal entity. PACOS TRUST sees itself as on organisation that strives to empower indigenous communities through systematic building and strengthening of community organizations, which can act collectively on its own. PACOS TRUST also sees the need to support networking among organisations struggling to assert right over...

Persatuan Orang Asli Semenanjung Malaysia (POASM)
The Organization Established by Orang Asli to Safeguard Their Identity and Heritage The establishment of this organization was initiated by members of the Orang Asli community with the primary goal of safeguarding their identity, heritage, and securing a better future for themselves. Support and Contributions POASM (Place Name for the Organization) warmly welcomes donations and expressions of support from individuals and organizations who share their mission. To make a contribution or send letters of support, kindly use the following addresses: 1. **Mailing Address 1:**...
MEMSA Charitable Society
The Malaysian Emergency Medical Support Association (MEMSA) is a non-governmental organistion that promotes health and well-being among street people, the Orang Asli, the stateless, the poor and needy in the peninsula. The acronym, MEMSA not only represents the initials of the organisation name, but it also stands for Mercy, Education, Medical, Social Involvement and Aid to the poor and the needy. MEMSA was founded by Dr Patrick Teo and a group of professionals trained in emergency or medical crisis on 30 January 2005. After the December 2004 tsunami, MEMSA has networked with groups...

Malaysian Care
Malaysian CARE, officially known as the Malaysian Christian Association of Relief, is a non-profit Christian NGO established in 1979 in Malaysia. Its primary mission is to serve the poor and needy, regardless of their religion or ethnicity. The organization is headquartered in Malaysia and operates mainly in the states of Selangor and Perak. History Malaysian CARE was founded by a group of young Christians, with its first Board elected on November 24, 1978. The founding members included Wong Kim Kong, Lim Heng Seng, and others. Rev. Peter Young became the first Executive Director on...
ABOUT PACOS Trust is a community-based organisation (CBO) dedicated towards supporting indigenous communities in Sabah. Although registered under the Trustees Ordinance (Sabah) only in 1997, it has been actively involved with communities since 1987 as a different legal entity. PACOS Trust sees itself as on organisation that strives to empower indigenous communities through systematic building and strengthening of community organisations, which can act collectively on its own. AIMS PACOS Trust has three main goals: 1. Ensure that indigenous communities have their customary land (NCR) and the...
Ministry With Indigenous Peoples
We are part of the AOHD (Archdiocesan Office for Human Development) is the official arm of the Catholic Church, in the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, entrusted with overseeing matters pertaining to the promotion of charity, integral human development, justice and peace. it is managed by the AOHD Secretariat and Board of Management with Rev Mitchel Anthony as the Priest Delegate. NEEDS Please contact Rev. Joseph for more information.
Indigenous Children’s Learning Centres (ICLC)
The Indigenous Children’s Learning Centres (ICLC) was founded in 2011 as Borneo Child Aid by Rosalyn Dawila Venning, with her husband Torben Venning’s support. Rosalyn, having grown up in Tawi-Tawi, Philippines, intimately understands the culture, communities, and challenges in the area. While initially based in Sabah, Borneo, Rosalyn and Torben now oversee the project from their home in Denmark, visiting the Philippines regularly. ICLC’s Executive Director, Michael Dawila Venning, brings a biologist’s perspective and a deep connection to Sabah. He aims to...

Malaysian Red Crescent Society, Tuaran Chapter
BACKGROUND/HISTORY The Malaysian Red Crescent Society (Tuaran Chapter) was established in 1963 to provide health-related services to the communities within the district of Tuaran, Sabah. The district measures 1166 km2 in size and has a population of around 85,000 (2004 est.) living in 334 villages. The society aims to offer support services to the Fire, Police and Health departments during times of emergency and natural disasters. It also seeks to provide health-related services targeting poor rural folks, and organise community service projects. By recruiting volunteers the society hopes to...

Sahabat Eko-Pelancongan Dan Memulihara Alam Indah (SEMAI)
BACKGROUND/HISTORY A species of the famed Rafflesia flower (R. cantleyi) can be found in the forest fringes close to the Orang Asli village of Ulu Geroh, in Gopeng, Perak. The SEMAI group was set up with the help of MNS to protect the Rafflesia sites here, through education and awareness among the Semai orang asli community in Ulu Geroh. The group aims to develop sustainable income to the locals, through responsible eco-tourism activities focused on the Rafflesia as well as the beautiful Rajah Brooke birdwing butterflies, that congregate here in large colonies. The programme also brings...