Teras Pengupayaan Melayu (TERAS)

in Other Communities, Support Groups

Our objectives 1. To organise social activities for the benefit of the Muslims, especially activities aimed at enhancing their education, health and also in overcoming their poverty. 2. To work towards improving the abilities of the Muslims by increasing their knowledge, talents and by planting positive values of Islam into them. 3. To organise activities that involve the development in art, science, literature, music and culture suitable to the Islamic religion. 4. To implement duties with a view upholding the truth and to overcome what is forbidden by Islam. 5. To co-operate with national...

The Society of Christian Service, Sarawak (SCS)

in Other Communities, Support Groups

Objectives: To raise the living standards of the Longhouse people. To develop self-reliance and mutual support in the community.

Regional Islamic Da’wah Council of Southeast Asia & the Pacific (RISEAP)

in Other Communities

The initiative to form the Regional Islamic Da’wah Council for Southeast Asia and the Pacific (RISEAP) arose out of a conference that was jointly organized by the Muslim Welfare Organization of Malaysia (PERKIM) and Muslim World League (Rabitah al-Alam al-Islami) that was held in Kuala Lumpur from 11th to 14th January 1980. RISEAP was born on 11th November 1980 coincided with 3rd Muharam 1401 which was the beginning of a new Islamic calendar year in a new Islamic Millenium. The founding member organizations were from 17 countries, namely Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Myanmar,...

Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST)

in Other Communities, Support Groups

Who we are HarmonyMalaysia is the official website of Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST). Established in 1983, it is dedicated to the promotion of goodwill, harmony and unity amongst all Malaysians irrespective of creed, religion, race, culture or gender. Round-table dialogue is its principal and preferred means to resolve potential conflicts arising from differences in a plural society. We believe that there can be Unity in Diversity. Many Faiths, One Nation is our vision for Malaysia. Our member Bodies: Buddhist: Malaysian...

International Society for Tamils (IST)

in Other Communities, Support Groups

Our objectives 1. To integrate awareness, understanding, mutual help and unity among the Tamils world-wide. 2. To improve the status of Tamils in all fields such as industries, education, science, technology, economics, commerce and trade. 3. To foster the use of Tamil language, literature, culture and to encourage research on them. 4. To represent the society in all International forums and to affiliate with other legally constitutes organisations that have the same aims and objectives in general.

Banjar Association of Malaysia

in Culture, Other Communities

Objectives: 1. To revive and to develop the Banjaree culture and language. 2. To foster closer relationship amongst Banjaree and other ethnic groups. 3. To encourage and upgrade the social-economic status of the Banjaree community.

Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar Islam Malaysia (PKPIM)

in Education, Other Communities

Siapa kami Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar Islam Malaysia (PKPIM) adalah badan induk pelajar-pelajar Islam Malaysia di peringkat kebangsaan yang berdaftar secara rasmi dengan Pendaftaran Pertubuhan (Pendaftaran 1569 Selangor) pada 27 Jun 1961, dikenali sebagai Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar Islam Persekutuan Tanah Melayu dan pada tahun 1963 namanya ditukar seperti yang ada sekarang. Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar-Pelajar Islam Malaysia ditubuhkan pada 31 Mac 1961 bertempat di Asrama Kedua, Universiti Malaya. Penubuhan PKPIM telah diusahakan oleh sekumpulan 10 orang pelajar dari 5 buah institusi...

Gabungan Mahasiswa Islam Se-Malaysia (GAMIS)

in Education, Other Communities, Women

VISI Menerajui gerakan mahasiswa dalam memimpin kebangkitan dengan kesedaran Islam MISI 1) Memasyarakatkan GAMIS melalui pendekatan penerapan dakwah secara holistik 2) Memperkasakan gerakan mahasiswa sebagai penggerak pendidikan politik berteraskan prinsip Islam 3) SIGMA memimpin wanita muda sebagai agen reformasi masyarakat

Pertubuhan Jamaat Islah Malaysia (JIM)

in Other Communities

Siapa kami Pertubuhan Jamaah Islah Malaysia atau JIM, mengasaskan kewujudannya dengan menghayati pengertian al-islah yang membawa maksud pembaikan, pembaharuan serta mewujudkan perdamaian. JIM adalah gerakan Islam yang menjadikan aktiviti-aktiviti da’wah dan pembangunan sosial sebagai teras aktivismenya. Ruang untuk JIM bergerak bagi menjayakan program-program pengislahan dan pembangunan ummah adalah terlalu luas dengan ia terus mengambil susuk sebagai sebuah organisasi da’wah dan sosial. JIM akan terus beriltizam menjadi salah sebuah entiti strategik dalam ummah ini bagi...

Bahá’í Community Of Malaysia

in Other Communities

The Bahá’í Faith is the youngest of the world’s independent religions. It was founded more than a century ago by Bahá’u’lláh (1817-1892) in Persia. Its worldwide community now covers at least 250 countries and independent territories with over 6 million believers. The Faith’s global scope is mirrored in the composition of its membership. Representing a cross section of humanity, Bahá’ís come from virtually every nation, ethnic group, culture, profession and social or economic class. More than 2,100 different ethnic and tribal groups are represented, and the Bahá’í...


in Other Communities

Background Pusat KOMAS is a human rights popular communications centre set up in August 1993 to empower especially the indigenous peoples, urban poor, workers and civil society organisations to advocate for human rights in Malaysia. Popular Communications (PC) This approach was popularised in Latin America during the 1970’s amongst the peasant communities struggling for liberation from repressive regimes governing their countries. Since then community educators and organisers have adopted it in different parts of the world, adapting to their respective context and have replicated these...

Pusat Jagaan and Latihan Insan Istimewa IMC

in Children, Differently Abled, Other Communities

Pusat Jagaan and Latihan Insan Istimewa IMC is a non-governmental organization (NGO) that provides services to the disabled community. It is managed by a husband and wife team along with five volunteers who have a 20-year track record in developing programs for the disabled community. Their services include: Providing academic and lifestyle training Physiotherapy Sports development They have been operating in USJ 4 Subang Jaya since 2003, serving 65 children with multiple disabilities such as autism, Down’s Syndrome, and cerebral palsy. The NGO’s major annual programs...

Pertubuhan Tindakan Wanita Islam (PERTIWI)

in Children, Other Communities, Senior Citizens

Pertubuhan Tindakan Wanita Islam (PERTIWI), an organization with over 44 years of dedicated service, focuses on addressing the welfare and needs of women and children. This voluntary organization has played a crucial role in advocating for women’s rights in Malaysia while nurturing and empowering women to maintain their traditional family roles. PERTIWI’s wide-ranging social missions and welfare activities include providing literacy skills, educational awareness seminars, medical aid to remote villages, sponsorships for educating foster children, and skills training for single...

Persatuan Penduduk USJ 1, Subang Jaya

in Other Communities

Assisting and helping the needy like senior citizens, single parents, special need persons, and the poor people in whatever ways we can to make their life more comfortable.


in Other Communities, Support Groups, Youth

Yayasan Generasi Gemilang (GG) envisions a Malaysia transformed by love, where the next generation sets an example, and families are empowered. Their mission is to bridge the education gap for underserved children by enhancing literacy and nutrition. GG is committed to ensuring that children have the opportunity to learn and break the cycle of poverty. They focus on providing skills, learning, and values through early childhood education, promoting the healthy development of children. Key Initiatives Increasing Education Accessibility: GG strives to ensure that children from...

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