SPCA Kota Kinabalu
The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Kota Kinabalu (SPCA KK), established in 2006 and registered with the Registry of Societies, Malaysia, is a non-governmental organization dedicated to animal welfare. Comprising a group of passionate animal lovers, SPCA KK aims to create a unified platform for more effective work in safeguarding the welfare of strays and abused animals in Kota Kinabalu. The society’s primary purpose is to raise awareness of animals’ needs and rights, thereby reducing incidents of animal abuse. Their core activities include educating the...
Yayasan Kemanusiaan Muslim Aid Malaysia
Established in August 2008, Muslim Aid Malaysia Humanitarian Foundation (Muslim Aid Malaysia)is an aid and development organisation under the ambit of Muslim Aid Asia (MAA), which in turn is part of the United Kingdom-based Muslim Aid (MAUK) international network of non-governmental organisations. It is working towards the two-pronged goal of eradicating poverty and providing education opportunities to underprivileged children worldwide. Non-political and non-sectarian, Muslim Aid Malaysia is inspired by Islamic values and works within the parameters of Islam irrespective of religion,...
Yayasan Prihatin Insan
Yayasan Prihatin Insan (YPI) adalah sebuah Yayasan yang sentiasa aktif menganjurkan aktiviti berbentuk kebajikan, pendidikan dan misi bantuan kemanusiaan.. Bertemakan slogan “Anda Memberi Kami Menyampaikan”, YPI komited melaksanakan program kebajikan, pendidikan dan misi bantuan kemanusiaan terhadap anak-anak yatim, ibu tunggal, OKU, golongan fakir dan miskin serta mereka yang memerlukan. YPI juga sentiasa berusaha untuk menjalinkan kerjasama strategik dengan badan-badan kebajikan daripada sektor kerajaan, swasta dan NGO bagi memperluaskan aktiviti kebajikan sekaligus mencapai Visi...
The Lost Food Project
The Lost Food Project (TLFP) is Malaysia’s pioneering eco-food bank, dedicated to rescuing surplus food from the supply chain to reduce waste, alleviate hunger and mitigate climate change. Established in 2015, we are a tax exempt charity organisation and we focus on redistributing food to vulnerable Malaysians including the B40, Orang Asli and marginalised communities. Mission and Operations Food Rescue and RedistributionTLFP sources high-quality, nutritious surplus food from manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers. This food includes fresh produce, meat, and dairy products...
Yayasan Al-Khalifah
Yayasan Al-Khalifah (YAK) adalah sebuah Badan Bukan Kerajaan (NGO) yang bukan berorientasikan keuntungan (Non-Profit Organization) didaftarkan di bawah suruhanjaya syarikat sebagai sebuah syarikat ‘Limited by Guarantee’, ditubuhkan pada 16 November 2006. Unit Program Pembangunan Dan Dakwah Orang Asli (PPDOA) adalah unit khas fokus dalam melaksanakan program dakwah dan kemanusiaan Orang Asli seluruh negara. Akaun Maybank Islamic:AL-KHALIFAH FOUNDATION | 5640 1611 8396
Rumah Amal Selawat Nabi
Rumah Amal Selawat Nabi (RASN) adalah badan SUKARELAWAN/NGO yang menjalankan aktiviti penjagaan, kebajikan dan pembangunan pendidikan Islam untuk golongan yang kurang bernasib baik seperti anak yatim, yatim piatu dan miskin, remaja bermasalah, keluarga saudara baru, ibu-ibu tunggal dan asnaf zakat. RASN bernaung di bawah PERTUBUHAN AMAL CAHAYA KASIH (PACK), ditubuhkan pada 12 Januari 2011 dan berdaftar di bawah Akta Pertubuhan Negeri Sabah (No Pendaftaran : 0121-11-SBH) Sumbangan kewangan kepada PACK mendapat pengiktirafan pelepasan cukai oleh Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri dengan no daftar...
Yayasan Fungates Superflow Foundation
Yayasan Fungates Superflow Foundation is a non-profit organization established in April 2007 by Ms. Clarine Chun, aimed at addressing social, welfare, and health needs within the community. The foundation received its tax-exempt status on April 15, 2008, and has its roots in community programs that began in June 2001 under the Superflow organization[1][2]. Mission and Programs The foundation’s mission focuses on improving the quality of life for the sick, poor, and needy, providing shelter for orphans and neglected children, and supporting individuals with developmental delays....
Persatuan Kebajikan Orang Istimewa Segamat
Founded in 2001, this center is a welfare center non-profit, non-religious and non-government. For the past16 years, the Council of the Center and its staff have taken care of disabled children for the people of rural areas. All Cheque / Postal Order / Money Order should be crossed A/C payee and made payable to / Sumbangan melalui Cek / Kiriman Pos / Kiriman Wang / mestilah berpalang dan dibayar kepada “PERSATUAN KEBAJIKAN ORANG ISTIMEWA SEGAMAT, JOHOR” or banked into account 1) Public Bank Berhad No. A/C 3064980514 2) Alliance Bank Malaysia Berhad No. A/C...

Malaysian Buddhist Co-operative Society
Who we are KOPERASI BUDDHISME MALAYSIA BERHAD (BIL DAFTAR: W-6-0292) was registered on the 23 January 1998 as a society with limited liability under the Cooperative Society Act 1993. MBCS, which has 905 members (Central) and 181 members (Penang) totalling 1086 members, with a share capital of RM161,260 (Central) and RM20,100 (Penang), which makes it a total of RM181,360 share capital as at 20 November 2015. MBCS is principally involved in Buddhist funeral, Buddhist pilgrimage, charity luncheon for elderly individuals and property investments. The formation of MBCS was mooted in 1997 with...

Great Heart Charity Association / Persatuan Kasih Sejati
Who we are Established in 2010, Great Heart Charity Association is a non-profit charitable organisation in Malaysia. We aim to provide substantial and meaningful assistance to people who face difficulties in their life. Individually, we may not able to change the world to become the one we want to live in but we may be able to help people substantially on an individual or community level. As a result, our core value is making charitable giving a part of everyone’s life. Our services Read about our programmes, here. What we need You can support our initiatives, by donations, more details,...

Persatuan Bantuan Pendidikan Kanak-Kanak Khas Sungai Petani
Persatuan Bantuan Pendidikan Kanak-Kanak Khas Sungai Petani, also known as PEKAKA, is a support group established in November 1998 for parents of children with special needs in Sungai Petani, Kedah. The organization aims to ensure quality education for all children with special needs and operates under the Registration of Societies Act (1966) of Malaysia. Objectives and Mission PEKAKA’s mission includes: Advocating for quality education in inclusive environments. Preparing children with special needs for integration into mainstream schools through early intervention...

Yayasan Aman
Yayasan Aman is a non-profit organization established in 1983 by YB Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim. The foundation is dedicated to assisting underprivileged communities, particularly those marginalized in urban and rural areas. It aims to provide support and resources to improve the lives of these communities. Key Details about Yayasan Aman Founder: YB Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim Chairperson: Tn. Haji Saiful Izham Focus: Helping disadvantaged groups and promoting social justice. Recently, the foundation has been in the news due to discussions surrounding the use of a...

Villa Paulos
Who are we Villa Paulos was founded by Mr. Paul Netto and incorporated in the year 2008. Located at 16A Jalan Mariamah 80100 Johor Bahru, Johor, the home cares for 18 children aged 7 to 14 years old. Providing shelter for neglected, exploited, abused, abandoned and orphaned children is the goal of villa Paulos. Our funding needs We are housed in a bungalow donated by the late Goh Lum Eng, and entrusted to the care of Bishop Paul Tan S.J., the bishop of Malacca-Johor Diocese. The home is managed by a board that includes members from the Society of St Vincent De Paul, Church of Immaculate...

Persatuan Kebajikan Anak Yatim & Miskin Al-Munirah
Mission 1. Menempatkan anak-anak yatim di kawasan Kampung Johan Setia dan Klang khususnya dan Negeri Selangor serta Malaysia umumnya. 2. Memberi bantuan persekolahan, pengajian dan didikan. 3. Meringankan beban keluarga yang tidak berkemampuan melalui bantuan kewangan dan program perusahaan kecil kepada ibu tunggal 4. Melatih mereka berdikari pada masa hadapan. 5. Memelihara kesucian agama dan aqidah di dalam diri mereka. 6. Memberikan pembelaan yang sewajarnya terhadap anak yatin dan golongan Miskin. 7. Memberikan galakan kepada masyarakat islam supaya menyertai ibadat sedekah dan infak di...
Divine Life Society runs two Sivananda Homes for needy children, which are managed by the Board of Trustees, Sivananda Home. The first is an all-girls home in Kuala Kubu Bharu (Rumah Kanak-Kanak KKB), which is fully managed by the DLS Kuala Kubu Bharu sub-branch, and the second is an all boys home in Batu Caves. The homes have formed various sub-committees to look after the following needs of the home: Intake & Counseling, Education, Medical & Nutrition, Sports & Recreation, Maintenance & Cleaning, Spiritual, Information & Media, Safety & Security. The aim of the...