Beautiful Gate Foundation Melaka Centre

in Differently Abled, Senior Citizens, Tax Exemption, Youth

BACKGROUND/HISTORY Registration Number: 638388-A When Established: 06/1993 By Whom: Chinese Methodist Church In Malaysia The first Beautiful Gate Disabled People Caring Centre was established in Petaling Jaya, Selangor. Subsequently, four other centres were set up in Kepong (Kuala Lumpur), Kampar (Perak), and Seremban (Negeri Sembilan) and Melaka. There are also two Group Home established in Balakong for ex-trainees to live independent lives. After 10 years, they were approved to register as “Beautiful Gate Foundation For The Disabled” on 30th December 2003. Their goal is to...

Beautiful Gate Foundation for the Disabled – Negeri Sembilan Centre

in Differently Abled, Senior Citizens, Tax Exemption, Youth

BACKGROUND/HISTORY Registration Number: 638388-A When Established: 06/1993 By Whom: Chinese Methodist Church In Malaysia The first Beautiful Gate Disabled People Caring Centre was established in Petaling Jaya, Selangor. Subsequently, four other centres were set up in Kepong (Kuala Lumpur), Kampar (Perak), and Seremban (Negeri Sembilan) and Melaka. There are also two Group Home established in Balakong for ex-trainees to live independent lives. After 10 years, they were approved to register as “Beautiful Gate Foundation For The Disabled” on 30th December 2003. Their goal is to...

Beautiful Gate Foundation Perak Centre

in Differently Abled, Senior Citizens, Tax Exemption, Youth

BACKGROUND/HISTORY Registration Number: 638388-A When Established: 06/1993 By Whom: Chinese Methodist Church In Malaysia The first Beautiful Gate Disabled People Caring Centre was established in Petaling Jaya, Selangor. Subsequently, four other centres were set up in Kepong (Kuala Lumpur), Kampar (Perak), and Seremban (Negeri Sembilan) and Melaka. There are also two Group Home established in Balakong for ex-trainees to live independent lives. After 10 years, they were approved to register as “Beautiful Gate Foundation For The Disabled” on 30th December 2003. Their goal is to...

Beautiful Gate Foundation Kepong Centre

in Differently Abled, Senior Citizens, Tax Exemption, Youth

BACKGROUND/HISTORY Registration Number: 638388-A When Established: 06/1993 By Whom: Chinese Methodist Church In Malaysia The first Beautiful Gate Disabled People Caring Centre was established in Petaling Jaya, Selangor. Subsequently, four other centres were set up in Kepong (Kuala Lumpur), Kampar (Perak), and Seremban (Negeri Sembilan) and Melaka. There are also two Group Home established in Balakong for ex-trainees to live independent lives. After 10 years, they were approved to register as “Beautiful Gate Foundation For The Disabled” on 30th December 2003. Their goal is to...

Persatuan Penjagaan Kanak-Kanak Terencat Akal, Kuantan

in Children, Differently Abled, Tax Exemption, Youth

History The centre was founded by Mr V. Rajamanikam, then with only seven children, the centre solely depended on public donations. Today, the centre accommodates almost 155 children with age-range that varies from 3 years to 51 years old. Despite having “adults” as our inmates, the centre still term them as “children”. The word “children” here is used loosely and it reflects the condition and the similar situation with which the young ones are facing. Most of the children are mentally disabled, meaning, they are unable to take care of themselves. Apart...

International Planned Parenthood Federation -East & South East Asia and Oceania Region (ESEAOR)

in Health, Women, Youth

Who are we The East & South East Asia and Oceania Region (ESEAOR), with a population of approximately 2 billion, is the largest of IPPF’s six regions. Member Associations are in 22 countries and are working with four national SRH non-governmental organisations. Extremely diverse in population size and distribution, geography, socio-economic development, political and legal climate, religious and linguistic profiles and reproductive and sexual health status. Regional Office based in Kuala Lumpur. Two field offices in Fiji and Lao PDR. Our objectives We aim to enable all women,...

Girl Guides Association Malaysia/ Persatuan Pandu Puteri Malaysia

in Women, Youth

Sejarah kami Pandu Puteri bermula di Kuala Lumpur pada tahun 1916 dan pada tahun 1917. Persatuan Pandu Puteri Malaysia telah didaftarkan dengan Ibu Pejabat Pandu Puteri di Calcutta, India. Pusat pentadbiran Persatuan Pandu Puteri Malaysia ialah di Singapura sehingga tahun 1956. Mulai tahun 1957, Ibu Pejabat Kebangsaan Persatuan Pandu Puteri Malaysia bertapak di Wisma Pandu Puteri, Jalan Pantai Baharu, Kuala Lumpur. Semenjak tahun 1928 Persatuan Pandu Puteri Malaysia telah menerima pengiktirafan dan sokongan daripada kerajaan Malaysia. Ordinan Pandu Puteri 1953 telah digantikan oleh Akta Pandu...

Gerakan Belia Bersatu Malaysia

in Support Groups, Youth

GBBM was founded in 1975 in Tehel, a village in Malacca. Since then, GBBM has expanded from this small village to many towns and villages all over Malaysia. To have gone this far and wide, the path of GBBM has been a journey of many hurdles. Presently, GBBM is about 300 clubs strong, geographically spanning the whole of Malaysia, inclusive of Peninsular Malaysia and East Malaysia. The GBBM Charter President was Mr. Tee An Chuan, followed by Datuk Low Teh Hian, Mr. Lee Cheok Kuan MPA, Mr. Chan Teck Yin, Dato Ho Teck Kuen, Mr. Low Eng Tack and the current President Mr. Chook Wai Mun,...

Council for ASEAN Youth Co-operation (CAYC)

in Youth

Committee for ASEAN Youth Cooperation (CAYC) is the authorized coordinating body for all national youth organizations in the ASEAN region. It is a voluntary organization seeking to uphold the ASEAN ideals, values and Prosperity in the region. CAYC was officially formed in September 1975 in Jakarta , Indonesia at the meeting of youth leaders and representatives of all ASEAN Countries. Its formation was based on the strong determination on the part of ASEAN youth to render their contributions; to play a dynamic and meaningful role in the task of ASEAN building. Today, CAYC plays a leading role...

Central Welfare Council, Peninsular Malaysia (CWC)

in Children, Differently Abled, Education, Women, Youth

Objectives: 1. To advise and to deal with social problems in Malaysia. 2. To initiate or execute any social services not operated by any other authority or organization. 3. To secure the help and support of the public and government in order to achieve the objectives of the Council. 4. To promote the welfare of the people with mental and physical disabilities, the underprivileged, distressed and destitute and to undertake or assist in the promotion of any scheme conducive to such welfare. 5. To undertake any social service either directly or through the State and District Branches in...

Asian Youth Ambassadors Network Bhd (AYA)

in Youth

Who are we AYA is a non-profit organisation registered in Malaysia for the purposes of youth and community development. We are not funded by any one corporate or government body and survive solely on public support. The ideas and initiatives that you see throughout this website has been made possible through the kind donations of mostly ordinary people (who truly are extraordinary) who believe in the importance of youth work. We like to call these precious people our “Partners”. These partners invest in both our present and our future. The returns as you can see are amazing. Lives are...

ASIAN Youth Council (AYC)

in Youth

Asian Youth Council (AYC) is a non-governmental, youth serving, regional organization formed on the 14th of August 1972 to promote solidarity and family spirit among young people in Asia as well as to strengthen national youth organizations in the region. AYC consists of national youth organizations around Asia’s countries. For more than 30 years ago, AYC become a platform for a forum to exchange information and knowledge among national youth councils in Asia, and other inter-regional agencies. It works and collaborate closely with many regional and international partners in order to...

4B Malaysia Youth Movement

in Youth

Objectives: 1. To encourage the principle of voluntarism and democracy in the youth movements. 2. To give opinions to the government, non-government and other organizations regarding matters on youth. 3. To organize and enhance good relations with all youth associations, local and international.

Universiti Bangsar Utama (UBU)

in Education, Refugees, Youth

Who are we UBU comprises of youth and universities students from various areas in Kuala Lumpur. As a progressive, democratic and concerned youth and students group, we are very much involved in providing our energy, creativity, ideas and ideals in community based activities and programmes with underprivileged and marginalised communities. We feel that a bridge between student sector and other oppressed sectors from society should be built to link and strengthen the various pro-democracy forces in our country. For a long time a vacuum has existed between the student sector and other sectors in...

Kelab Rakan Siswa Islah Malaysia (KARISMA)

in Education, Youth

Kelab Rakan Siswa Islah Malaysia (KARISMA) adalah sebuah sayap mahasiswa di bawah Pertubuhan Jamaah Islah Malaysia (JIM) Mission 1. “Beriltizam untuk melahirkan mahasiswa du’at soleh wa musleh yang cemerlang dari aspek sakhsiah, kepimpinan dan akademik melalui program pembangunan insan yang komprehensif” 2. “Menggembleng tenaga mahasiswa ke arah merealisasikan Fikrah Islam Di Alam Kampus (FIDAK) menjelang 2015” Description KARISMA adalah akronim bagi Kelab Rakan Siswa Islah Malaysia, sebuah institusi mahasiswa yang ditubuhkan di atas inisiatif Pertubuhan Jamaah Islah Malaysia (JIM)...

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