The Community Relief Society Malaysia (CRSM), also known as Persatuan Bantuan Masyarakat Malaysia (PBMM), is a non-governmental organization (NGO) established with the primary aim of assisting the country in times of peace in the field of medical and community services. In addition to this, it also helps the country in dealing with unexpected situations such as local emergencies, small, medium, and large-scale disasters.

CRSM operates based on three main service pillars: medical and health care, disaster relief, and community service. Through its ambulance services, it provides free emergency services to the general public. It also offers non-emergency patient transport services, such as transporting patients from home or care centers to hospitals or medical centers, and vice versa, as well as patient transport services from one hospital to another.

In terms of health services, CRSM conducts health campaigns such as outbreak prevention, blood donation programs, dialysis services, health care campaigns, and home nursing services. Through its disaster relief and rescue operations, the association assists in facilitating rescue and disaster relief operations involving other rescue agencies and organizations. This service also strengthens the relationship between all involved agencies and organizations, especially in terms of training and communication.

Persatuan Bantuan Masyarakat Malaysia (PBMM), juga dikenali sebagai Community Relief Society Malaysia (CRSM), adalah sebuah organisasi bukan kerajaan (NGO) yang ditubuhkan dengan tujuan utama membantu negara dalam masa aman dalam bidang perkhidmatan perubatan dan masyarakat. Selain itu, ia juga membantu negara dalam menangani situasi yang tidak dijangka seperti kecemasan tempatan, bencana kecil, sederhana, dan besar.

PBMM beroperasi berdasarkan tiga pilar perkhidmatan utama: penjagaan perubatan dan kesihatan, bantuan bencana, dan perkhidmatan masyarakat. Melalui perkhidmatan ambulansnya, ia menyediakan perkhidmatan kecemasan percuma kepada orang awam. Ia juga menawarkan perkhidmatan pengangkutan pesakit bukan kecemasan, seperti mengangkut pesakit dari rumah atau pusat penjagaan ke hospital atau pusat perubatan, dan sebaliknya, serta perkhidmatan pengangkutan pesakit dari satu hospital ke hospital lain.

Dalam hal perkhidmatan kesihatan, PBMM menjalankan kempen kesihatan seperti pencegahan wabak, program derma darah, perkhidmatan dialisis, kempen penjagaan kesihatan, dan perkhidmatan penjagaan rumah. Melalui operasi bantuan dan penyelamatannya, persatuan membantu dalam memudahkan operasi penyelamatan dan bantuan bencana yang melibatkan agensi dan organisasi penyelamat lain. Perkhidmatan ini juga memperkukuhkan hubungan antara semua agensi dan organisasi yang terlibat, terutama dalam hal latihan dan komunikasi.

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Community Relief Society Malaysia

[email protected]Email
+6017-2426 119Phone Number
Established since 2012Year of Establishment
PPM-031-10-06092012Registration Number
11A, Jalan Restu, Taman Restu, Off Jalan Semenyih, 43000 Kajang, SelangorAddress
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