Get In touch with us

For any inquiries related to NGOs and homes listed on the directory, it is essential to contact the specific organization directly using the email address provided on their listing page. Please note that emails sent to the email below do not reach the individual NGOs and homes; instead, they are directed to the Touching Hearts Welfare Society, Kuala Lumpur and Selangor, which manages the Hati directory and their own charity programs. This clarification is crucial for ensuring that your queries reach the intended recipients.



[email protected]

  • * if you are representing a Company/Corporate/Foundation/NGO/Charities (please fill in if applicable).
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
All donations to Touching Hearts Welfare Society in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor are TAX-EXEMPT under sub-section 44(6) of the Income Tax Act 1967. Your generous support will directly benefit Hati’s operations and charity programs. Once your transaction is complete, please email [email protected] to request your tax-exemption receipt. If you would like your donation to support a specific Hati charity program, please specify the cause in the column below. Please note that does not collect donations on behalf of other NGOs or organizations listed on our website. If you wish to donate to them, kindly contact them directly. Below is the mandatory information required for your receipt:
I have read the privacy policy and refund policy statements.