Who are we
The Institute of Foresters, Malaysia (IRIM) was inaugurated on 3 February 1979 and subsequently approved by the Registrar of Societies Malaysia on 2 August 1980. Members of the institute consist of professional foresters, both in public and private sectors, who practice forestry as their career and contribute towards improving the management and development of the forestry sector in Malaysia.
Our objectives
- Promote and advance the science and practice of forestry.
- Continually review the status of the forestry profession and the professional conduct of members by maintaining a code of conduct and practice.
- Continually review the role of forestry and the changing needs of education, research and industry, and to give appropriate advice concerning such matters where needed.
- Provide advice to the Government, its statutory bodies, the industry and the members of the public in matters pertaining of forestry development.
- Hold meetings, workshops, seminars conferences, exhibitions and visits, and such other activities as the Institute may deem incidental or conducive to the promotion or attainment of the profession forestry.
- Represent the views of the forestry profession.
- Communicate to members information on all matters affecting the profession of forestry and to print, public, issue and circulate such publications as may seem conducive to any of the objects of the Institute.
- Offer and conduct prescribed examinations for professional qualifications of members.
- Maintain correspondence and co-operation with other organisations.
- Undertake other activities deemed expedient.
Institute of Foresters, Malaysia (IRIM)
Mr. Haron Hj. Abu HassanContact Person | |
[email protected]Email | |
info2.irim.com.my/wpWebsite | |
+603 2988 244Phone Number | |
+603 2925 657Fax Number | |
Established since 1979Year of Establishment | |
PPM-001-14-02081980Registration Number | |
Pejabat Sekretariat IRIM, Jabatan Perhutanan Semenanjung Malaysia, Jalan Sultan Salahuddin, 50660 Kuala LumpurAddress |