When Established: 1999
By Whom: Department of Fisheries & WWF Malaysia.
The Ma’ Daerah Turtle Sanctuary Centre is a hatchery and interpretation centre dedicated to the protection and conservation of sea turtles. The project aims to protect marine turtles in their natural habitat.
Department of Fisheries Malaysia manages the area, while education and Awareness programmes are being conducted by WWF Malaysia.
In June 2004, a local community group known as Persatuan Ma’ Daerah Khazanah Rakyat (Ma’ Daerah the People’s Heritage), or MEKAR was set up, with the objective of raising awareness among the local community.
Sources of Funds: Centre was established with the support of Petronas Acetyls Sdn Bhd. The education programme is sponsored by BP Amoco.
Volunteers are welcome. You can do your bit for the turtles by helping the Fisheries Department of Malaysia monitor turtle landings, collect turtle eggs for transfer to the hatchery and release cute little hatchlings. Weekend with turtles program camps are organised for interested volunteers. See Ma’daerah website for more details.
Donations in Cash: All donations go to the Ma’daerah Turtle Conservation Trust Fund
Description of Needs: Volunteers, adopt a turtle/nest programmes, donations.
Cheques Made Payable to: WWF Malaysia Account no. 4 (A/c no. 302-037270-004)
Tax Exempt: Yes
Direction/ Map:
The Centre is situated in Kemaman district in the east coast state of Terengganu. Ma’ Daerah is a secluded 1.7km sandy beach surrounded by coastal hill forest. The only road access is through a rough track cutting through secondary forest and small orchards. See Ma’Daerah website for more details.
Ma’daerah Turtle Sanctuary
+609-844 4169Phone Number | |
Established since 1999Year of Establishment | |
24300 Kerteh, TerengganuAddress |