Peace Malaysia is a coalition of NGOs, comprising voluntary, youth, uniformed bodies, political parties, religious, welfare, students and professionals with the common goal of pursuing a comprehensive, permanent and just world peace.

It was mooted by HE Dato’ Sri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein, formerly Minister of Youth and Sports Malaysia in November 2002. The Malaysia National Front Youth Chairman initiated the initiative when the White House was lobbying the international community to invade Iraq.

The principal objectives of Peace Malaysia are as follows:

  1. To foster a deep understanding and awareness of contemporary challenges and issues pertaining to the pursuit of global peace among Malaysians in all walks of life.
  2. To establish and sustain an effective network among Malaysians for the purpose of articulation and action on issues of war and peace in the international arena.
  3. To forge linkages and relationships with other peace groups and peace movements in other parts of the world in promoting global peace.
  4. To undertake humanitarian work in strife torn and conflict ridden parts of the world which would contribute towards peace.
  5. To undertake humanitarian relief and rehabilitation work in disaster stricken areas with the aim of restoring peace and stability.

Peace Malaysia

Datuk Ahmad Zaki ZahidContact Person
Suite 2c level 7 Menara Dato’ Onn PWTC , 45 Jalan Tun Ismail 50695 Kuala Lumpur.Address
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