The Pertubuhan Kebajikan Kanak-Kanak Yatim Dan Cacat Perlindungan Selangor, also known as the WeCare Center, is a charitable organization located at No 32, Jalan Pekaka 8/11, Kota Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.

The center has been facing a persistent shortage of funds to cover essential medical expenses for several months. They are earnestly hoping for much-needed assistance to support the vulnerable group they cater to. The center aspires to raise RM 5,000 to cover the medical expenses of 35 individuals with disabilities for the month of September.

Your generous contributions towards medical expenses will not only alleviate the financial burden on the center but, more importantly, it will enable them to extend vital medical support to disabled children and the elderly, offering them a chance to see improvements in their conditions.

If you wish to make a donation, you can do so to the following account:

  • Account Number: 8881031138411 (Ambank)
  • Account Name: Pertubuhan Kebajikan Kanak-Kanak Yatim Dan Cacat Perlindungan Selangor

For further inquiries, you can contact Bryan Lim at 011 1662 6262 or email them at [email protected].

Pertubuhan Kebajikan Kanak-Kanak Yatim Dan Cacat Perlindungan Selangor, juga dikenali sebagai Pusat WeCare, adalah sebuah organisasi amal yang terletak di No 32, Jalan Pekaka 8/11, Kota Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.

Pusat ini telah menghadapi kekurangan dana yang berterusan untuk menampung perbelanjaan perubatan penting selama beberapa bulan. Mereka sangat berharap mendapat bantuan yang sangat diperlukan untuk menyokong kumpulan yang rentan yang mereka layani. Pusat ini berhasrat untuk mengumpul RM 5,000 untuk menampung perbelanjaan perubatan 35 individu dengan kecacatan untuk bulan September.

Sumbangan murah hati anda ke arah perbelanjaan perubatan tidak hanya akan meringankan beban kewangan pusat ini tetapi yang lebih penting, ia akan membolehkan mereka untuk memberikan sokongan perubatan penting kepada kanak-kanak kurang upaya dan warga tua, memberi mereka peluang untuk melihat peningkatan dalam keadaan mereka.

Jika anda ingin membuat sumbangan, anda boleh berbuat demikian ke akaun berikut:

  • Nombor Akaun: 8881031138411 (Ambank)
  • Nama Akaun: Pertubuhan Kebajikan Kanak-Kanak Yatim Dan Cacat Perlindungan Selangor

Untuk pertanyaan lanjut, anda boleh menghubungi Bryan Lim di 011 1662 6262 atau menghantar e-mel kepada mereka di [email protected].


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All donations to Touching Hearts Welfare Society in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor are TAX-EXEMPT under sub-section 44(6) of the Income Tax Act 1967. Your generous support will directly benefit Hati’s operations and charity programs. Once your transaction is complete, please email [email protected] to request your tax-exemption receipt. If you would like your donation to support a specific Hati charity program, please specify the cause in the column below. Please note that does not collect donations on behalf of other NGOs or organizations listed on our website. If you wish to donate to them, kindly contact them directly. Below is the mandatory information required for your receipt:
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