Provides residential home for teenage girls with family, social and personal problems. Also, tailoring workshop for girls and women, and a special school for poor and underprivileged youths

Pusat Kebajikan Good Shepherd (PKGS) is a not-for-profit organisation founded and operated by the Good Shepherd Sisters since 1960. The Good Shepherd Sisters is a worldwide Congregation of women religious present in 73 countries in six continents. See

The focus of PKGS is to make visible the mercy and forgiving love of God, specifically to those who are marginalised and broken, especially women, girls and their families, restoring in them their worth and dignity.


Direct credit to our CIMB Account No: 1461 0000 513 101

Your donations are tax exempted and will be acknowledged with an official receipt.

Please make your cheques payable to: PUSAT KEBAJIKAN GOOD SHEPHERD


Menyediakan rumah berasrama kepada perempuan remaja yang mempunyai masalah keluarga, sosial dan peribadi. Selain itu, rumah ini menganjurkan bengkel untuk perempuan dan wanita dan sekolah khas untuk belia yang sangat miskin dan kurang bernasib baik.

Pusat Kebajikan Good Shepherd (PKGS) merupakan sebuah badan bukan berasaskan keuntungan yang ditubuhkan dan dikendalikan oleh Good Shepherd Sisters since 1960. Good Shepherd Sisters merupakan sebuah kongregasi wanita alim yang terdapat di 73 buah negara dalam 6 benua.


Fokus PKGS adalah supaya belas kasihan dan cinta pengampunan Tuhan kelihatan, terutamanya kepada mereka yang telah dipinggirkan dan terjatuh, khususnya wanita, perempuan dan keluarga mereka agar dapat memulihkan nilai diri serta maruah mereka.


Kredit terus ke dalam akaun CIMB No: 1461 0000 513 101 

Sumbangan anda adalah cukai dikecualikan dan akan disahkan dengan resit rasmi.

Cek boleh dibayar kepada: PUSAT KEBAJIKAN GOOD SHEPHERD

Learn More

Pusat Kebajikan Good Shepherd, Madonna Heights

[email protected]Email
+6 03 4256 3941Phone Number
Pusat Kebajikan Good Shepherd (Teenage Centre) 8.8km, Jalan Hulu Kelang 68000 Ampang Address
Visit Us

All donations to Touching Hearts Welfare Society in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor are TAX-EXEMPT under sub-section 44(6) of the Income Tax Act 1967. Your generous support will directly benefit Hati’s operations and charity programs. Once your transaction is complete, please email [email protected] to request your tax-exemption receipt. If you would like your donation to support a specific Hati charity program, please specify the cause in the column below. Please note that does not collect donations on behalf of other NGOs or organizations listed on our website. If you wish to donate to them, kindly contact them directly. Below is the mandatory information required for your receipt:
I have read the privacy policy and refund policy statements.