Who are we
The World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) was formed on 14 February, 1991. WABA is a global network of organisations and individuals who believe breastfeeding is the right of all children and mothers and who dedicate themselves to protect, promote and support this right. WABA acts on the Innocenti Declaration and works in close liaison with UNICEF.
Our vision
A world where breastfeeding is the cultural norm, where mothers and families are enabled to feed and care optimally for their infants and young children thus contributing to a just and healthy society.
Our mission
To protect, promote and support breastfeeding worldwide in the framework of the Innocenti Declarations (1990 and 2005) and the Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding through networking and facilitating collaborative efforts in social mobilisation, advocacy, information dissemination and capacity building.
Our goal
To foster a strong and cohesive breastfeeding movement, which will act on the various international instruments to create an enabling environment for mothers, thus contributing to increasing optimal breastfeeding and infant and young child feeding practices.
Our funding policy
WABA does not accept funds or gifts from manufacturers or distributors of breast milk substitutes, related equipment such as feeding bottles and teats, commercial foods for breastfeeding mothers, or commercial complimentary foods. It also does not accept funds or gifts from manufacturers of other products commonly used in infant feeding such as breast pumps and encourages WABA endorsers to adopt the same ethical stance.
Learn MoreWorld Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA)
[email protected]Email | |
waba.org.my/Website | |
+604 658 4816 Phone Number | |
+604 657 2655 Fax Number | |
Established since 1991Year of Establishment | |
PO Box 1200, 10850 Penang, MalaysiaAddress |